
  • A component is essentially a custom html tag.
  • For a component we have custom html and we have custom behavior.
  • Components are compiled by Angular
  • Angular expands the custom tag to a template and attaches a java script behavior to it.
  • Components are built as follows
    • We define a html template for the component
    • We define the behavior of the component in typescript or java script
    • We configure the component
      • Define the selector for the component.
      • Define the template url of the component.
  • Interpolated data or data in curly braces in a component is defined in the component class.
  • The functions which occur on events are defined in the instance of the class.
  • We define the behavior of the class as follows
    • We start by calling the component method.
    • This component method is a typescript decorator
      • In angular it represents the component metadata class.
    • After the method we follow it by the class which is a basic typescript class.
      • This class is decorated by a component decorator
    • Next we pass in a config object which is just a plain javascript object this object has following attributes
      • selector attribute- tells angular how to locate your component.
        • This is a css selector so it matches the html element tag.
        • We can change it to an attribute selector , so it looks for an attribute in our html.
      • template url is another attribute
        • This specifies where the template file is stored by server
        • If template is small we can write the template inline
        • This template contains the interpolated data.
Component Setup
  • A component is a type of class with a template.
  • We can dedicate different responsibilities to different components in our application
  • Create a project folder and first file we define is package.json
    • This file defines the product dependencies
    • systemjs dependency is needed to load our main module.
  • Create index.html which we can use to start application
    • We can load libraries from our load module here and test.
  • Next we create the tsconfig.json file which defines ts compiler configuration.
  "name": "hello-angular",  
  "version": "1.0.0",  
  "description": "",  
  "main": "index.js",  
  "scripts": {  
   "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"  
  "author": "Gurav Matta",  
  "license": "ISC",  
  "dependencies": {  
   "angular2": "^2.0.0-beta.1",  
   "es6-promise": "^3.0.2",  
   "es6-shim": "^0.33.3",  
   "reflect-metadata": "0.1.2",  
   "rxjs": "5.0.0-beta.0",  
   "zone.js": "0.5.10"  
  "devDependencies": {  
   "systemjs": "^0.19.16"  
  • Setting sourcemap to true let's us have sourceMapping between typescript and result javascript file.
  • emitDecoratorMetadata emits decorators and annotations.
  • "OutDir" sets output directory for js files.
Basic Component Class
  • Create a typescript file.
  • Define the class in the typescript file.
  • Decorate the class with @Component()
    • add selector attribute
      • whenever angular goes through an html file and comes across this selector attribute it will compile the component and act accordingly.
    • Next add template attribute which defines view for our Component which is basically a html template.
      • This can be hard coded or added as a variable which will be injected by the class which defines the variable of the class.
        • in this case it is defined as template :'{{name}}'
    • Next import "@Component" which is a class metadata from "angular2/Core";
      • If we look at the angular user guide we find that component is a metadata class.
    • Next to initialize an application using a particular component we use the bootstrap method.
      • Import "@bootstrap" at start
      • At the end of the component bootstrap(classname,[]);
    • Next we write our System.config script in index html this will load our compiled component.
      • We will be resolving all our javascript files from the output folder as shown in script.
    • Next we run the "tsc" command from project folder to compile.
    • To serve the application use command "live-server" from the project folder. \
Components Inputs
  • Component inputs are inputs to the components.
    • This could be data
  • Create a component
    • In the class of component declare instance variables with "@Input" decorator which is a function.
      • Angular is going to assign values to this input which will be checked in its check detection cycle.
      • Values are updated immediately in entire application.
  • Next we can pass these values from selector to component as shown.
  • We can also pass values from parent components to child components as follows
  • In template if you pass it in double quotes it will be treated as a variable if you pass it in single quotes it will be treated as a value as shown in template below.
Component class
 import {Component, Input} from 'angular2/core';  
 import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/platform/browser';  
 template:'<div>Hello Example {{ id }} </div>'  
 class Example {  
  @Input() private id: string;  
  * Define the Component.  
  selector: 'app',  
  templateUrl : 'templates/app.tpl.html',  
 class StarterTemplate {  
  private name: string;  
  private appId: string;  
  constructor () { = 'Starter Templates are here!!';  
   this.appId='This is the appId Value';  
  * Bootstrap the app with `StarterTemplate`.  
 bootstrap(StarterTemplate, []);  
 <h1>{{ name }}</h1>  
 <example [id]="'5'"></example>  
 <example [id]="appId"></example>  

Native DOM property binding
  • We can directly bind properties of components to DOM properties as follows.
  • In the html snippet below font color is a property defined in component.
 template:'<div [style.color]="fontColor"> Hello Binding</div>'  
 class Example {  
 private fontColor: string;  

Local Variables
  • A local variable is a way to reference elements on a page.
    • for example if we want to reference a "div" element on a template we can add a reference to it using "#name" in template as shown.
  • Next we can also pass this reference to a method in component using the name appended with "#" from the template.
  • We can also use the value of this field directly in our template using "value" property of this variable.
  selector: 'app',  
  templateUrl : 'templates/app.tpl.html',  
 class StarterTemplate {  
  private name: string;  
  private usernameValue:string;  
  constructor () { = 'Local Variable';  
 <h1>{{ name }}</h1>  
 <h2 #title></h2>  
 <button (click)="setTitle(title)">Set Title</button>  
 <input type="text" #username (input)="setUsername(username.value)"/>  
 <p>{{ myValue }}</p>  
 <input type="text" #name (input)="myValue = name.value"/>  

Component Outputs
  • Component outputs are essential events that are emitted by components which you can listen too or take some action based on the event.
  • We must wrap events with parenthesis as shown like (click),(input) etc.
    • Then we can assign functions which will trigger on their occurrence.
  • We can also output events from the components using directives manually or automatically after specific duration's.  
  • We set event emitter as output property from component.
Component File
 import {Component, Input, Directive, Output, EventEmitter} from 'angular2/core';  
 import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/platform/browser';  
 class AdderAuto{  
  @Output() myevent: EventEmitter<string>;  
   this.myevent=new EventEmitter();  
 <p>Value: {{ value }}</p>  
 <button (click)="addOne()">Add +</button>  
 <h2>Using Emitter</h2>  
 <span adder-auto (myevent)="addOne($event)">EVENT: {{firedEvent}}</span>  
 class Adder {  
  private value:number;  
  private firedEvent:string;  
   this.value = 0;  
   this.firedEvent = '...' ;  
  * Define the Component.  
  selector: 'app',  
  templateUrl : 'templates/app.tpl.html',  
 class StarterTemplate {  
  private name: string;  
  constructor () { = 'Component Output';  
  * Bootstrap the app with `StarterTemplate`.  
 bootstrap(StarterTemplate, []);  
View File
 <h1>{{ name }}</h1>  
 <button (click)="hello(title)"></button>  
 <h1 #title></h1>  

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