- There are 2 ways to start off with a application in angular
- Create workspace with application directly with following command
- ng new messenger
- messenger is the name of the project
- create an empty workspace and add multiple applications to it using following commands
- ng new messenger --createApplication=false
- ng generate application messenger
- In this case the application will be generated in projects folder in current directory.
- We can also generate multiple applications like this which will share common workspace.
- All local installed dependencies are stored in package.json
- In a multiple application structure these are shared by applications.
- When publishing a project to a repository or retrieving it or migrating it we do not get or copy dependencies under node_modules folder along, we get this file.
- Use npm install to install these dependencies at new location.
- Some dependencies like typescript controller and http-server need to be installed globally with a parameter -g as follows
- The command npm start executes the start script in package.json.
- mostly it is the compilation command(tsc) and server running command(ng serve) or each of them individually.
- By default we can start the application using ng-serve we can also use live-server but it needs to be installed as a separate global dependency.
- We only need this if npm start only compiles and does not start the server.
- In Angular2 everything is a component so application is a tree of components
- At the root we have a root component and every other component is a part of root component
- This root component is the first one to be created which acts as a bootstrap for the application.
- Next we describe view for a component
- This view can be written inline on template property in @component annotation.
- This view can also be defined under @view annotation as Html.
- This method has been deprecated and decommissioned now.
- This view can also be in a template file which is referred in template url property under @component annotation.
- In the main.ts we have bootstrapped our root component.
- Now to ensure that component is available here we have also added a bootstrap in component module file.
- Bootstrapping a component from its module makes it available in application where it can be passed to application libraries.
- Next for our root module which can be called using selector "app-root" we have defined the corresponding tags in index.html.
- It's always better to have a separate folder for each component.
- We have defined our root component in app folder
- In the main file we first include the libraries needed to configure the environment.
- Next we import the platformBrowserDynamicModule which is used to bootstrap the application.
- We are also importing the AppModule which is our Root Module
- We are then Bootstrapping our app module.
- All the components are organized in the folders of their names
- These files include
- Component files
- Routing files
- Html files
- Module files
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