- Pipes are functions that take inputs and operate on those inputs.
- We can define pipes with classes by implementing a special method called as transform.
- The transform method takes an input and returns the result.
- We can use pipes in our templates as well as in our code
- In angular 1 they used to be called as filters.
- We need to register pipe with component before using it.
import {Component, Input, Pipe} from 'angular2/core';
import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/platform/browser';
name: 'pixelPipe'
class SimplePipe {
return input + 'px';
* Define the Component.
selector: 'app',
templateUrl : 'templates/app.tpl.html',
class StarterTemplate {
private name: string;
private appId: string;
constructor () {
this.name = 'Basic Pipe Example';
* Bootstrap the app with `StarterTemplate`.
bootstrap(StarterTemplate, []);
app.tpl.html <h1>{{ name }}</h1>
value is: {{ '25' | pixelPipe }}
Pipe with parameters- In transform method we can pass the second attribute called as args which is an array.
- In the template we can pass parameters after pipe separated by a ":" and they are passed in as array to the second attribute in the "transform" method.
- After beta 16 they are passed as separate parameters in transform method as shown below.
class UnitPipe {
let unit = arg1 || 'px';
arg2 = arg2 || '5';
return input + unit + arg2;
* Define the Component.
selector: 'app',
templateUrl : 'templates/app.tpl.html',
<h1>{{ name }}</h1>
value is: {{ '25' | pixelPipe }}
New Value is: {{ '25' | unit:'%':'2' }}
Using pipes inside components or controllers
- Since pipes are of class types we can instantiate them in our components or controllers and then call the transform method.
name: 'unit'
class UnitPipe {
let unit = arg1 || 'px';
arg2 = arg2 || '5';
return input + unit + arg2;
* Define the Component.
selector: 'app',
templateUrl : 'templates/app.tpl.html',
class StarterTemplate {
private name: string;
private value: string;
constructor () {
const unitPipe = new UnitPipe();
this.name = 'Basic Pipe Example';
this.value= unitPipe.transform('12','%','10');
- Used to show and format dates
- When using inside controller we need to import this pipe from angular2 pipes
- The import path may differ depending on angular version we are using.
import {Component, Input, Pipe} from 'angular2/core';
import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/platform/browser';
import {DatePipe} from 'angular2/src/common/pipes';
name: 'pixelPipe'
class SimplePipe {
return input + 'px';
name: 'unit'
class UnitPipe {
let unit = arg1 || 'px';
arg2 = arg2 || '5';
return input + unit + arg2;
* Define the Component.
selector: 'app',
templateUrl : 'templates/app.tpl.html',
class StarterTemplate {
private name: string;
private value: string;
private today: Date;
private todayInside;
constructor () {
const unitPipe = new UnitPipe();
const datePipe = new DatePipe();
this.name = 'Basic Pipe Example';
this.value= unitPipe.transform('12','%','10');
this.today=new Date();
this.todayInside=datePipe.transform(new Date(),'MMMh');
* Bootstrap the app with `StarterTemplate`.
bootstrap(StarterTemplate, []);
<h1>{{ name }}</h1>
value is: {{ '25' | pixelPipe }}
New Value is: {{ '25' | unit:'%':'2' }}
<p>Pipe value from Component is : {{value}}</p>
<h2>Today is : {{today | date:'yMMMEEEh'}}</h2>
<h2>Today coming from controller is : {{todayInside}}</h2>
Slice Pipe- Using Slice pipe we can get substring of a string or subset of a list.
- Takes 2 parameters one the start of the substring or subset and second parameter which is one more than the end of the substring or subset.
- If second parameter is not given it returns till end of the substring or subset.
- If we put -1 it will return us the last item in array i.e. it will start from last.
{id:1, name:'Tom'},
{id:2, name:'Jerry'},
{id:3, name:'Goofy'},
{id:4, name:'Flinstone'},
{id:5, name:'Shabby'}
html <h3>{{'Slice String' | slice:2:7}}</h3>
<li *ngFor="#student of students |slice:1:3" >
Async Pipe- Useful when we are working with Promises or Observable.
- In example we are showing you async pipe with a promise.
import {Component, Input, Pipe} from 'angular2/core';
import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/platform/browser';
* Define the Component.
selector: 'app',
templateUrl : 'templates/app.tpl.html'
class StarterTemplate {
private name: string;
private value: Promise<string>;
private resolveValue: Function = null;
constructor () {
this.name = 'Async Pipe Example';
this.value=new Promise<string>((resolve,reject) =>{
// console.log(this.value);
this.resolveValue('Future Value');
* Bootstrap the app with `StarterTemplate`.
bootstrap(StarterTemplate, []);
html <h1>{{ name }}</h1>
<p>{{value |async}}</p>
<button (click)="setValue()">Set Value</button>
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